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STEM CELL THERAPY at Precision Medical

Adult neuroinduced stem cells are used by our medical professionals in the fields of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering to artificially reconstruct human tissue which has been previously damaged.

Neuroinduced stem cells have the capacity to become any type of fully developed cells which can contribute to replace cartilage tissues or internal organs. Having so many treatment options out there, you may be wondering what kind of benefits mentioned stem cell therapy provides. Overall, it's because stem cell therapy utilizes biologic material harvested directly from the patient’s body, general benefits include minimal risks, minimal recovery time and minimal worry.


Cell therapy was developed by a Swiss surgeon, Prof. Dr. Paul Niehans, in 1931, when the first successful experiment was carried out: the patient was cured.

In 1960, An Introduction to Cell Therapy was published, a book that laid the foundations for further scientific research.

Progress over the next few decades, until the 1970s, was rather slow, and some gene therapy trials ended in failure. However, the turning point began in the 1990s.

The most important results of scientific research were obtained in 2005-2013, which laid the foundations for modern methods of treatment. It should be noted that researches are still ongoing, new ways of transporting and storing cells are being discovered, more and more diseases are being treated with the help of cell therapy. Therefore, every year our medical protocol is updated based on international experience, in accordance with US and Swiss standards.

Why Precision Medical?

In recent years cell therapy has attracted increasing interest and many clinics offer such treatment therapy to their patients. However, despite some limitations, it would seem that most clinics operate under the same protocols.

Then why should you choose Precision Medical clinic?

We do not have VIP treatment: every patient is equally important.

Every patient who comes to our clinic is guaranteed the highest level of medical services.

Quality control.

Quality certificate is issued for each dose of cellular product issued by the laboratory.

Application of neuroinduced stem cells.

Our laboratory is one of the few in the world that programs cells after a full cycle of cultivation.


Storing the patient's biological product in the laboratory for a repeat cycle of treatment (if necessary) to consolidate and improve the results.

Complete cycle of cell isolation and cell product cultivation.

Cell product preparation takes 3-11 weeks. Our laboratory specialists never use cell centrifugation.

Highly qualified medical staff.

Highly qualified doctors and medical staff work in clinics. Doctors participate in scientific research at the international level and bring this experience to the work of our clinic.

Medical service at home.

If a patient is unable to come to the clinic for health reasons, some services can be provided by our doctors at the patient’s home.

Is It Safe?


The debates about safety of autologousneuroinduced stem cells (own patient's cells) seem more obvious because they are taken from the patient's body, and therefore are 100% accepted by the patient's immune system.

Same as allogeneic cells (donor cells).

Donor stem cells do not cause rejection because they are immunoprivileged and are not recognized by the immune system as a foreign body. Most of the cells overcome the hematoencephalic barrier, so their number when administered is slightly higher than necessary so that the required percentage of cells can enter the organs and tissues affected by the disease.



The cell therapy method is based on local injection/intravenous transplantation of a biomedical cell product using an infusion pump and special needles without use of surgical equipment.


Carrying out the cell therapy procedure does not require special patient's preparation, changes in life rhythm or habits. The absence of surgical interference and general anesthesia significantly simplifies the treatment process itself and, thereof, practically reduces recovery period to zero.


The procedure for introducing a biomedical cell product itself is practically painless and minimally invasive procedure that does not require the use of local or general anesthesia. Painkillers can be used if necessary and as prescribed by a doctor.


The use of the patient's autologous (own) cells guarantees the absence of allergic reactions, side effects and rejection of cellular material. The use of allogeneic cells is also not only safe, but also extremely necessary and effective in the treatment of a number of diseases when therapy with one’s own cells cannot be used.

ALS Treatment

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment


Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Treatment

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Precision Medical is an international team of professionals who work in the field of regenerative medicine and cell engineering, created by people with many years of professional experience in the field of health care.
Precision™️ Medical programs are completely customized for your convenience, all your preferences, together with the doctor's recommendations and medical reports are counted into a special formula that will bring to the best result.
We are dedicated to being your destination of choice, providing the highest quality healthcare services with respect and caring, human touch. This is our sincere promise to you and your family members.

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